Sunday, January 4, 2009


It snowed in Alamo! The snow on the pad
for the addition melted and froze, so we had
our own little skating rink.
Everybody slipped and fell on the ice but, we had
a few spectacular ones by Channer, Hunter, and Sarah.
I even caught Sarah's on video!! I think we should
change her name to Grace.
We headed out to Box canyon to play in the deeper snow.
Of course there was a snow fight. Will and Spencer
ganging up on Sarah.
A trip to the hills wouldn't be right without a little pyrotechnics.
Channer and Will trying to light a snowball on fire. They
didn't get the snowball to light , but you can light snow
on the ground on fire with a little help from our friend, gas.
Spencer, Will, Sarah, Hunter, Channer.
Noah was in the truck, and Matthew was
at a friends house.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

It looks like a fun time! We never got snow in good old B-ville. We were sure we would have a white Christmas:( It snowed all around us but not here. Oh well, the mountains are close enough that we can play in snow without going to far!